Alliance Member Nations – The Numbers
30,769 Aviation Safety Experts
23,154 Air Traffic Controllers
39 Enroute Centres
over 644 Towers
119,630,700 square miles
equals 54% of earth's airspace
414,295 daily operations
150,829,915 operations in 2018
5,113,157 daily average
2,121,900,000 annual average
The Global Air Traffic Controllers Alliance is a coalition of like-minded labour unions.
We are a collective voice contributing to the safety and efficiency of the modern airspace system by influencing technology and progressing collaborative industry relations.
The increasing privatisation and commercialisation of air traffic services, together with new technologies, will change the nature of air traffic management and the structures of the companies or agencies that provide air traffic services.
We believe that to successfully integrate new users and technologies, our experts have a critical role to play in the development, safe implementation, and improving efficiencies in the world’s airspace system. Safety must be a priority, but our involvement will facilitate successful change.
Recognising that ATM is a global industry, the member unions of The Alliance work together to meet individual and shared challenges while raising important issues to a worldwide audience while developing and cultivating global relationships.
It is imperative that the role of the workforce is not lost in the development of new procedures, technologies, and new initiatives.
Times Around The Alliance