The Global Air Traffic Controllers Alliance, hereafter known as “The Alliance,” was founded by a coalition of like-minded labour unions representing aviation safety professionals from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The Alliance is guided by global solidarity and unity and establishes a collective voice to speak on a range of subjects that have a common effect on the profession and the professionals the member unions represent. The Alliance is an agile organisation that is able to respond quickly and effectively to their mutual challenges.
The increasing liberalisation and commercialisation of air traffic services, together with new technologies, are changing the nature of air traffic management and the structures of the companies or agencies that provide air traffic services. Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs) have formed partnerships and alliances amongst themselves, with Air Traffic Management (ATM) companies, service customers, and other aviation stakeholders. The Alliance believes that it is vital that our perspective is represented due to the critical role we play in ensuring that safety standards are upheld while championing the commitment and expertise of the aviation workers we represent.
Recognising that ATM is a global industry, the member unions of The Alliance work together to meet individual and shared challenges and raise important issues to a global audience while developing and cultivating global relationships.