Alliance Attends World ATM in Madrid
As the Aviation Industry returns to normal following the CV19 pandemic, members of the Alliance recently attended the World ATM in Madrid. Our presence there was to re-engage with industry partners, to enhance and build on our existing relationships and to forge new ones, particularly with the latest industry entrants of Space and UAVs. Additionally, we continued our work with CANSO on their Global Vision for 2045.
Our attendance at the World ATM was highlighted by two panels, the first discussing the Future and Integrating Emerging Technologies from the ATC Perspective. Facilitated by Tom McRobert from Civil Air Australia, the panel discussed the integration of technologies, what lessons have been learnt and what we need to do to achieve successful integration in the future. The second panel titled ATC and You – Integrating the Workforce into Tomorrow’s Vision facilitated by Paul Rinaldi from NATCA, concentrated on future entrants and CANSO 2045 vision. The Panel included representatives from the Alliance, NASA, CANSO and Eve Air Mobility UAVs.
The panels were a huge success and our presence at the WATM saw industry stepping forward to develop relationships with unions understanding that we are a key stakeholder in ATM technology.
Additionally, our stand hosted a meet and greet with industry – Aireon, Raytheon, L3Harris, Skyguide, SkySoft and CANSO joined the Alliance members discussing the impact of technology in the ATM environment. Conversations centred around what were our issues, what we needed to do collaboratively to achieve successful application of technologies into the operational environment and to ensure that success can by measured from the perspectives of the supplier, the ANSPs and the workforce. It provided a unique opportunity for all interested parties to come together and understand each others points of view, express their opinions and work towards establishing a new approach going forward.
We’ve continued to develop relationships with industry and to gain exposure by advocating working together and a collaborative approach both with industry and the ANSPs who employ us. The Alliance will continue to work to raise the profile of the work labour unions in ATM do, to ensure that unions are right at the heart of industry, shaping our futures rather than having them shaped for us.
We are already operating in an environment of high paced technology development; we need to be at the forefront of the changes and that’s why forging relationships with industry providers is essential. We look forward to continuing this work at Airspace World in Geneva 2023.
In Solidarity
Paul Winstanley
President Global Alliance